This is our top model of Classic 100 series, which comprises a totall of 9 tubes and 5 transformers to make this a superior performance pre-amplifier.
All NOS transformer coupling instead of classic capacitors coupling, exceptional rich and smooth with airy open sound stage, syrup alike tenderness with warm elastic bass performance.
The tube rectifier uses a standard 5U4G, it can easily upgrade with our STR-104, STR-1001, STR-1002 or STR-1003
This superlative unit can easily surpass the sonic performance of any competitor’s pre-amp which is not built with transformer coupling and organic tube rectification.
This pre-amp uses the purest ORGANIC design, no negative feedback, no circuit board(PCB), no transistors, all component-to-component hand wiring, built with very high grade selected components. It also features fully balanced input and output capabilities.
Various types of Super rectifier up-grade possible,
please check our Accessories Section
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With the STR-104 super rectifier adaptor, you can use 300B, 2A3 , 45 , 50 , 80, 83, 1616 , 3B28 or 866A as rectifier tubes option.
With the STR-1001, 1002, 1003, 1004 super rectifier adaptor, you can use 300B,, 45 , 50 , 80, 83, 845, 805, 211 , 872A and 575A as rectifier tubes option.