Tube Pre-Amps (View by Category)

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Add IR (Infra-red) motorized remote volume for $250

Add IR + Bluetooth motorized remote volume for $350

Add 100 micro step IR remote volume for $800

Add 24bit/192Khz SPDIF input DAC for $300

Add Blue-tooth analog receiver for $300

DHT prestige series


Virtual Tube series (MOSFET + OPT)


ASP series (with subsonic compensation and micro-dynamics extraction circuit)


Passive Pre-amp with 100 micro-step ultra high precision and low noise remote volume control



Combo series (multi-function combo design with phono , DAC, headphone amp...etc)

CP-101 .........................CP-102...........................CP-103..............................CP-1001 ........................CP-1001-TP

Reference series (super enhanced parts + oil caps + choke + QUAD-core output transformers designs)

Reference-1.....................Reference-1-RV ........Reference-1-Ultra........Reference-2 ................Reference-3

Reference - 4

Classic 100 series (regular hi-end audiophile grade designs)

QA-112 QA-112

.QA-001-Mk3..................QA-112-Mk3 / Mk4........QA-112-Ultra...................QA-114-Mk2...................QA-115-REG

QA-118.jpg QA-118-BAL-TXC-1

QA-115-Mk4......................QA-118-REG ........... QA-118-BAL-TXC

Classic 800 series (Deluxe vintage NOS parts design)



Advance 10000 series (100 step ultra-remote design)



Legend 300B series (for 300B sound lovers)


Deluxe Royale series (deluxe sound and elegant finishing design)



Super Rectifier Upgrades


Any model can add additional heavy duty gold plated RCA inputs and outputs (first set + C$100, second set up + C $80 ea)

Any model can buld with any type of chassis and color, add or subtract anything from regular design, price might vary

Any model can add headphone output with 1Wrms x2 +C$180

Any model can add solid-state MC/MM phono stage for +C$450 (P-001 model)

Any model can add pure tube MM phono stage for +C$700 (P-101 model)

Any model can add tube MC/MM phono stage for +C$1,000 (P-102 model)


Preamplifiers | Single-ended Tube Amps | Single-ended Tube Hybrid | Push-pull Tube Amps | Integrated Amps

Phono preamps | Tube Buffers | Tube EQ | CD player | Music server | Hi-end Speakers | Active crossovers

Headphone Amps | Mic mixing preamps | DA converters | Balanced transformers | Tube Testers

Schumann Resonators | Purifiers | Cables and Asscessories | Turntables

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Our product designs are protected and not permitted for replication or implementation. All Rights Reserved.