This is one of our newest design pure tubes phono pre-amplifier with MC and MM input capability, it is completely component-to-component hand-wired with high quality good musicality parts. Variable MC input impedance from 100ohm to 47K ohm (47K ohm is used for MM or MI or high output MC cartridge).
This phono stage uses all tube design, with three 12AX7 for MC and MM circuits. Very high dynamics and good resolution along with smooth and sweet tonal quality. Maximum undistorted output voltage up to 20Vrms balanced (10Vrms RCA max.). Which can give out the same or even higher output level than regular CD levels (typical LP output level is just 1/4 of CD output level) .
RIAA +/-0.5db accuracy 20Hz to 20Khz. MC section 5Hz to 40Khz -3db bandwidth
It gives 40db gain for MM input , and 40-80db variable gain for MC input. You can also use MM cartridges with MC input and set to proper setting (loading impedance 47K ohm, gain roughly x4-x5) , to make the output level par or higher than regular CD output level, and get enhanced dynamics over the regular MM input.
You will need to pay at least $15K-20K from other manufacturers to get a phono stage with barely close or even worser in sonic performances. Some manufacturer even ask $5-10K for a solid-state or $10K-20K tube MC/MM phono, which are built with printed-circuit boards instead of our best airy open 3D sounding component-to-component and point-to-point hand-wiring.
Separate MM and MC inputs, so that you can connect to two TT or two tonearms with different cartridges at the same time, and select by the MM /MC switch on the fly.
6SL7(default) / 6SN7 balanced XLR output stage available, for someone who has XLR balanced input in the per-amplifier, and gets the further enhancement in dynamics (20~30% enhancement in dynamics are well expected) .
Very low noise and super high gain (+80db = x10000) design, work with 0.2~0.3mV MC cartridge without any problem, and can easily boost the output level over the regular CDs or DACs.
Solid-oak side panels with hand polished thick aluminum chassis for optimum tonal balance by metal + wood combo, which can make both metallic (horn, triangle, electric guitar...) and wood (violin, guitar, piano...) musical instruments sound more real and organic than just all wood or all metal chassis.
5U4G tube rectification give another level of airy open 3D soundstage over solid-state rectifier, further boost can be achieved with our Super rectifiers.
Removable tube shields for best shielding effect and easy to replace tubes when needed.